AI Readiness ?
There has been a
increase in organizations implementing SOME FORM of AI solution over the past 4 years, but what are the outcomes?
Are YOU Ready?
Gartner's Research on AI Readiness asks...
Tools, skills, including leadership, organization and talent management, business models and operations, partnerships, and critical business dependencies — all will face the need to become increasingly, and sometimes abruptly, new.
Moving ahead at the pace of innovation in the AI market is not possible without incurring risks in your investments, product directions, partnerships and customer relations, but waiting until the dust settles is likely the biggest risk of all.
The speed of generative AI innovation is testing every organization’s ability to think fast, and it’s likely to accelerate. You will need to know how your business is doing as you make changes, and what changes are occurring now in your partners, technology providers, competitors and customers.
The AI-created opportunities (generative and beyond) will call for some transformative changes. Those changes will affect your employees, customers and partners, and yet you will need to retain these relationships in a good working form while they are changing.
Important questions, but what about these?
Are you confident because you know? Or do you get reports and aren't sure how the data is compiled?
Is it entered to a system and reported directly? Or is it entered, later downloaded to a spreadsheet, manually adjusted, then reported?
The quality of your data depends on how complete and accurate it is. You might be making decisions based on data that isn't reliable.
A data driven organization has reliable information accessible in real time. If that doesn't sound like your organization, we can fix that.